Friday, July 11, 2003

sociology is perfect, now spread the word

just posted the following to the TEACHSOC list. It was in response to a question about the strengths and weaknesses of the discipline of sociology. I believe every word of it...


1) The discipline itself is potentially liberating for both individuals and groups (i.e., it is inherently humanistic)
2) it covers "all things human" and subsequently, all things "meaningful"
3) there is nothing that we "know" of that is that is not outside of the realm of the discipline
4) the sociological imagination is brilliant


1) not respected within the realm of social science disciplines
2) sociologists have "dropped the ball" in getting the discipline into the forefront of mainstream (i.e., public) thought
3) the essence is being usurped by other disciplines: economics, political science, "socio-historical psych," etc.

In short, the discipline is wonderful, perfect, transformational. If there is any weakness to it, it is that sociologists have failed in getting it to where it needs to be within the general public, but there is absolutely nothing "weak" about the discipline itself."

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